They came not so much for its beauty,
but for a long meditative breath –
the lightness of it happening at will
as they witnessed its rise and its fall.
. . . . .
Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.
~ Jeremy Taylor
. . . . .
You and I caught up in a quiet spell among the jumbled geometrics of branches and tree root progressions – the blue of sky overhead covering a million miles. The whole of the scene mutely surveyed by a simple lens. The lightness of it, happening at will as a certain kind of permanence hummed in behind the shutter of an eye, while a silence not of absence was rigorously executed.
. . . . .
The present moment is the only aperture through which
soul can pass out of time into eternity, through which
can pass out of eternity into the soul, and through which
can pass from one soul in time to another soul in time.
~ Aldous Huxley
. . . . .
For just a moment
1, 2, 3…
A blush of serenity grows
as the energy of the mind, body,
and heart rest in silence…
For just a moment
1, 2, 3…
There in our own solitude we stood,
in our own separate rooms…
For just a moment
1, 2, 3…
We became a witness
to our true self.
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