Silent. Invisible nearly.
An old tree full of aged fruit.
Through this appled forest how glad we were to run,
playing hide-and-go-seek. And always the hours worked out alright.
Apples – sweet and soundless, fallen now to the ground, and of which
there are many, garbed in lime greens and the brightest of reds.
. . . . .
“What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically
to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.”
to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.”
– Alain de Boton
. . . . .
Branches full leaning down, away from a polished sky of blue,
greeting the hand that craves their fabulous fresh flesh.
All things in their season – steady, swiftly coming and going.
Growing, some imageless in their own private space.
Now, something else.
Without waiting, we steal a bite.
Silent. Invisible nearly.
what came to mind as I read this piece was a meticulously memory passing through the transit of one's mind and crafted with the intent of reliving or basking in it's delicious delight.
your poetry is a great read! I've a couple so far.
Thanks, I appreciate your response to these few words gathered…
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