


Where do I live? If I had no address, as many people
do not, I could nevertheless say that I lived in the
same town as the lilies of the field, and the still
Spring, and all through the neighborhood now there are
strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue. But
all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -
to excite the viewers toward sublime thought. Glory
to the world, that good teacher.
Among the swans there is none called the least, or
the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in
singing, especially when singing is not necessarily
As for the body, it is solid and strong and curious
and full of detail; it wants to polish itself; it
wants to love another body; it is the only vessel in
the world that can hold, in a a mix of power and
sweetness: words, song, gesture, passion, ideas,
ingenuity, devotion, merriment, vanity, and virtue.
Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.
~ Mary Oliver



deeply toothed 
notched leaves, 

. . . . . . .

At peace
with its name,
lying exposed
on the ground –
to memory,
its being.


Quietness Blankets Time

this silence –
to both 
light and dark,
where unbegotten
sureties of truth
quietly exist.


Intriguing Space

Life's Musical Pulse

In giddying circles
memory twirls and whirls
growing older.

Always there with me,
the constant tick,
invariably felt just below
the fabric of my left pocket.

With replenished optimism,
life’s musical pulse,
though at times
alarmingly pale,
chapters on –
long after midnight,
ministering an endless
sense of remedial energy 
and enthusiasm.

Breathe deep. Exhale. Relax.
Enjoy the brilliance of the moon.


Lie down and dream.

Breathe deep, 
Spring’s reverant awe.
Taste earth’s influences
that rest tenderly
on your tongue.
Familiar to all – the taste,
the fragrance.

As she pulls
her eyes away
roused by revelation, 
something unseen
releases its memory.

Consciousness comes
in giddying circles
as the mind
twirls and whirls
growing older.


This Needy Beggar

A single image
motivates these words
that come –
their poetry too,
and the love of it.

Words piled up
on the edge of thought,
ready to be set free –
intact with integrity,
complex still, their exit
as they struggle to shape 
a sense of worth.

How brave their black
rests, solemn on the white
of the page – like flowers
in a field, born there
in exaltation, readying
themselves for the
magnitude of the task
at hand – their burst into life.


Beneath the window
where I do my homework,
scribbling hard recent musings
attached to this beautiful day –
words and mind co-mingle,
desparate to keep in touch
amidst the swell of perception.

The mind, a needy beggar
generously feasting on words
in want of their singular vibrato,
that steadily gyrates, heaving within.


But, I wonder still,
what, if anything, 
becomes of all 
that is left unspoken, 
unsurfacing because
of the dialogue's
penchant for darkness.

Enigmatic, the silence
of each word's
abstruse aloofness –
their shyness mocked
by the hand that writes
as they resist the chaos 
that is this poem –
this mess of words 
caught struggling
within their own
unregulated bloom.


In the poem’s growth
it is hoped that a view,
 if willed, will unfold.

As angular fortitudes
are cast horizontally
across surfaces of white –
stares of pitched theorems
swim in elliptical space
and in time something essential 
will take shape, arising out of 
something once imagined.


Beyond The Fragile Surfaces

Your tiny self
on those days
without bearings,
looks in on you
and this world
for guidance.

Poetry, if willed,
lends us courage
by means of its
powerful language,
giving us vision,
that we might
see beyond
the fragile surfaces
of our lives –
boldly enduring,
hazarding ourselves
through life’s cycles
and difficult terrain.

Carry everything
you want to say
to its conceivable
and expressible end,
awakening conversation
with the almighty,
which, of itself, is
personal and distinct
at the same time.

Real, undying love
can never be
legislated or coerced,
but you can speak it.

Do you not sense
how you carry
the sound of its calming
truth on the red of your lips?

Momentary Complications

not yet said
collapses, momentarilly
the poem’s beginning.

And so,
once again
has its 
on me.

Though thought
be broken,
the swell of a song
flaunts the heart, 
right here, right now.

I catch sight 
the silent migrations
of rendered interpretations
and begin to think –
what, if 
can be gained from this.

What be 
the connecting thread
originating from
abandoned words
that previously held
moments of unabashed

Eyes and mind vividly alive,
newly sparked with courage,
carry on – leaning hard
in to everything.

Always there’s memory –
imperious its eye,
seductive its pull,
strategic its maneuvering.

Silent commotion as the words
start moving, pulling, revolving within
vistas of thought – images tugging,
figures melding together, passing
through black then white
and all else in between.

Lives, loves, losses
and forgotten miracles too –
all fatigued over time
as life paces on,
making possible
our daily continuance.


Trying to Be Thoughtful in the First Brights of Dawn

I am thinking, or trying to think, about all the
imponderables for which we have
no answers, yet endless interest all the
range of our lives, and it's
good for the head no doubt to undertake such
meditation; Mystery, after all,
is God's other name, and deserves our
consideration surely.  But, but -
excuse me now, please; it's morning, heavenly bright,
and my irrepressible heart begs me to hurry on
into the next exquisite moment.

– Mary Oliver


Focal Points

the air stirs,
delighting in
sown seeds
burrowed deep –
their roots,
taking shape,
nourishing the air.

Unspoken beauty met with an off-handed simplicity.

Bright with vision,
we reap with joy
and acclamation –
the seeds unlimited

Sounding invisible, growing –
sustained, dancing under the sun.

You, me, we, us, 
the spectators
only half-listening, 
only catching the dialect
of seemingly, mumbled lines.

More beautiful 
becomes the idea of it,
which is more profound 
than one might think,
frolicking here in this season 
of simple beginnings,
where there exists
a celebratory feel – 
a flowering passion
as the bud opens
to the sun's light.

Bits and pieces
splash against the sill of life
dispersing petals to the wind – 
aloft they fly.

New boundaries
and focal points brim
with prosperity, 
offering a simple hope.



 One day it's the clouds,
one day the mountains.
One day the latest bloom
of roses - the pure monochromes,
the dazzling hybrids - inspiration
for the cathedral's round windows.
Every now and then
there's the splendor
of thought: the singular
idea and its brilliant retinue -
words, cadence, point of view,
little gold arrows flitting
between the lines.
And too the splendor
of no thought at all:
hands lying calmly
in the lap, or swinging
a six iron with effortless
tempo.  More often than not
splendor is the star we orbit
without a second thought,
especially as it arrives
and departs.  One day
it's the blue glassy bay,
one day the night
and its array of jewels,
visible and invisible.
Sometimes it's the warm clarity
of a face that finds your face
and doesn't turn away.
Sometimes a kindness, unexpected,
that will radiate farther
than you might imagine.
One day it's the entire day
itself, each hour foregoing
its number and name,
its cumbersome clothes, a day
that says come as you are,
large enough for fear and doubt,
with room to spare: the most secret
wish, the deepest, the darkest,
turned inside out.

~ Thomas Centolella