
In Glory, Be

Dance on, 
though you cannot
always choose the way.
Rhythmically spin, 
bend then sway
this way and that,
coming around again
to feel the subtle
pulse of the heart
alive with song,
leaning then cleaving
to the intense fire
building within.


In An Instant

Desired impressions
magnify visual connections
within the flow and play
of consciousness, floating
free in their unfolding –
innocent slices of life.

See how the eyes
serendipitous affection
centres there, as if bent
toward some personal
alignment – alive
as never before.

A contemplative patience
hidden in that untraceable
trail of white – existing
in the quiet briefness
that is, right now.


The Experience Of It

So You Could Come Back

In the Beginning

Sometimes simplicity rises
like a blossom of fire
from the white silk of your own skin.
You were there in the beginning
you heard the story, you heard the merciless
and tender words telling you where you had to go.
Exile is never easy and the journey
itself leaves a bitter taste. But then,
when you heard that voice, you had to go.
You couldn't sit by the fire, you couldn't live
so close to the live flame of that compassion
you had to go out in the world and make it your own
so you could come back with
that flame in your voice, saying listen...
this warmth, this unbearable light, this fearful love...
It is all here, it is all here.

~ David Whyte


Every Day


It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer 


Behind Your Image

Behind your image, 
below your words, 
above your thoughts, 

T H E  S I L E N C E

of another world waits.

. . . . .

So at the end of this day, 
we give thanks
For being betrothed
to the unknown. 


Where To Begin

Outside the window I begin to ponder a stranger’s discourse, modest laughter, wrought memory, the timbre of self, foresight garnered, faith that comes in different guises, an unfamiliar space, the wait between words, the earth’s hum, the risk of getting lost, the philosophy attached to letting go, the wealth that exists within, disjunctions of time, a child’s smile, I-You-Them-Us, the currency of memory, things real and things imagined, the wax of the moon, a sorrow that endures, an impatience with the dark, the long walk home, a broken heart that now bursts into song, states of metaphor, if timing is everything, the whiteness of a winter day, the way things are, slits of light, the cursive sway of a butterfly, the bike ride taken earlier today, connoisseur’s of form, a poet’s thoughts, benevolence revealed, a sense of place amongst strangers, the tight dry seal of self, the mind in spring, a puritan will, the basis of melancholy, the beauty of repetition, thoughts steeped in poem, a sense of self, what it is we can’t quite put our finger on, if infact we’ve misjudged the weather yet again, abject poverty, the tattered white cardigan, how to fill brief stretches of time, what it is to believe, how the body relinquishes its hold on things, why it is that memory buckles, habits of mind, why sometimes life seems verged on the edge, why it is we belabor the point, brief beginnings, everything distant and abstract, why tears demand their spill over things abandoned, why our eyes are drawn to new perspectives, if ever there was a more perfect moment, the photograph’s pose, blotch’d musings, all things eclipsed, divine annunciation’s, how circumstance feeds our mind, the pulse of emotion, the soul’s flourish, undefined boundaries, the seductiveness of sleep, the well-versed pages of a book, the breaking of dawn, the mind’s volubility, laconic expressions, the kindness witnessed in a stranger’s smile, a unified body of work, allusive textures, seemingly fixed predicaments, how whispered gratitudes uphold us, the bird on the wire, imagination’s fuse and flame, the shape of things, freedoms we love to protect, the exposure of our weaknesses, expressions of hope, a decent place to stand, why the light is so strong, incalculable distances, profound humility, the shelter of happiness, life in the open air, a permeating silence, all things invisible, the spirit inside all, LCohen’s commanding presence and his sublime gift of song, a recovered sense of equilibrium, any kind of truth, unexpected trepidation’s, an association to a particular word, a hand letting go a dove, dreams coming true, the basis of my song, the omnipresent impulse of human life, how things resume their previous pitch, the beggar’s stark reflection, the depth of true friendship, a waterfall’s flow, the essence of colour, disfigured hours, the transience of things, an optimistic gaze, fond remembrances, the splash of a snowflake on the tongue, nature's influence, the process of forgiveness, the quiet reverance found in the everyday, ironic gestures, a passionate allegiance, how to speak poetry…


Take A Moment

Time will teach you otherwise, they say.

Your thoughts begin to sink 
as your shadowed figure rests,
stretched out along the coast 
of a secluded bouldered beach.

You take a moment to think, 
inhaling the cool unimpeded air,
and with every long exhale
comes a feeling that deep inside, 
something tangible is lacking.

Yet, somewhere in-between
the tattered pages of your book,
undiscovered words lay in wait – 
each sentence ready to instruct
the voice to sing aloud the poem
your heart begs, today you write.


Straight away your emotions butterfly
in their urgent desire to find an escape 
as the mind busily scribbles in silence, 
here in the extraordinary light of day.


Elaborate Beginnings

The vast expanse of the day
is lost to me –
adrift somewhere out there.

Yet I hold this life
as one might a prized trophy,
endeavoring to understand
the contextual way I fit myself in
to its small sacred spaces –
ever conscious of its continuance
as knowledge floats free of anchor.

. . . . .

I hope to speak
of elaborate

For now
I draw on vocabulary
in an effort
to figure things out.
The words – 
some of them give
while others 
remain a mystery.
A consequence perhaps,
of their design.

. . . . .

These lovely lamps, these windows of the soul.

~ Guillaume de Salluste