
Bear Us Tenderly

An Improvisation for Angular Momentum

Walking is like
imagination, a

single step

dissolves the circle

into motion; the eye here

and there rests

on a leaf,

gap, or ledge,

everything flowing

except where

sight touches seen:

stop, though, and

reality snaps back

in, locked hard,

forms sharply

themselves, bushbank,

dentree, phoneline,

definite, fixed,

the self, too, then

caught real, clouds

and wind melting

into their directions,

breaking around and

over, down and out,

motions profound,

alive, musical!

Perhaps the death mother like the birth mother

does not desert us but comes to tend

and produce us, to make room for us

and bear us tenderly, considerately,

through the gates, to see us through,

to ease our pains, quell our cries,

to hover over and nestle us, to deliver

us into the greatest, most enduring

peace, all the way past the bother of


beyond the finework of frailty,

the mishmash house of the coming & going,

creation’s fringes,

the eddies and curlicues.

~ A.R. Ammons


Even With These Kinds Of Invitations

Any Time

How long ago the day is

when at last I look at it

with the time it has taken

to be there still in it

now in the transparent light

with the flight in the voices

the beginning in the leaves

everything I remember

and before it before me

present at the speed of light

in the distance that I am

who keep reaching out to it

seeing all the time faster

where it has never stirred from

before there is anything

the darkness thinking the light

~ W. S. Merwin


Restlessly Angled

Each Day We Rise, Some Of Us Early

In this muted-silver hour
the clocks are at work
faultlessly tick-tick-ticking,
while the sun beats hard
to burn away the mist
still lingering, midst 
a well-trodden path.

The sun's shine moseys
much like the mind –
each settling silently
beneath sedative sleep.

But pinch I must,
this semi-dream state,
though it proffers
an immense sense
of freedoms.

As the day breaks,
I, the listener,
reluctantly search
for an exit.

Moving slowly,
I direct my feet toward
that other world –

h  e  s  i  t  a  n  t  l  y, 




the world,



Common To Us All

As in some of this sites other posts, click the title 
to hear the inspiration behind the image.


Poised Somewhere Between This Song And The Next

If It Be Your Will 

If it be your will
That I speak no more
And my voice be still
As it was before
I will speak no more
I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will

If it be your will
That a voice be true
From this broken hill
I will sing to you
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing

If it be your will
If there is a choice
Let the rivers fill
Let the hills rejoice
Let your mercy spill
On all these burning hearts in hell
If it be your will
To make us well

 And draw us near
And bind us tight
All your children here
In their rags of light
In our rags of light
All dressed to kill
And end this night
If it be your will

If it be your will.

~ Leonard Cohen


Long, Long I Muse

As Toilsome I Wander'd Virginia's Woods

As toilsome I wander'd Virginia's woods,
To the music of rustling leaves kick'd by my feet, (for 'twas autumn,)
I mark'd at the foot of a tree the grave of a soldier;
Mortally wounded he and buried on the retreat, (easily all I could understand,)
The halt of a midday hour, when up! no time to lose--yet this sign left,
On a tablet scrawl'd and nail'd on the tree by the grave,
Bold, cautious, true, and my loving comrade.

Long, long I muse, then on my way go wandering,
Many a changeful season to follow, and many a scene of life,
Yet at times through changeful season and scene, abrupt, alone, or in the crowded street,
Comes before me the unknown soldier's grave, come the inscription rude in Virginia's woods.
Bold, cautious, true, and my loving comrade.

~ Walt Whitman


It Is As If It Becomes The Thing

The world rests in the night. 
Trees, mountains, fields, and faces 
are released from the prison of shape 
and the burden of exposure. 

Each thing creeps
back into its own nature
within the shelter
of the dark. 

Darkness is the ancient womb. 
Nighttime is womb- time. 
Our souls come out to play. 
The darkness absolves everything; 
the struggle for identity 
and impression falls away. 

We rest in the night.

~ John O'Donohue


Colour-Fast And Glassy With Light

Early This Morning

And Who Is To Say It Is Useless

Riding Out at Evening
At dusk, every thing blurs and softens..
from here out over the long valley,
the fields and hills roll up
the first slight sheets of evening,
as, over the next hour,
heavier, darker ones will follow. 

Quieted roads, predictable deer
browsing in a neighbor’s field, another’s
herd of heifers, the kitchen lights
starting in many windows.  On horseback
I take it in, neither visitor
nor intruder, but kin passing , closer
and closer to night, its cold streams
rising in the sugarbush and  hollow. 

Half-aloud, I say to the horse,
or myself, or whoever, let fire not come
to this house, nor that barn,
nor lightning strike that cattle.
Let dogs not gain the gravid doe, let the lights
of the rooms convey what they seem to. 

And who is to say it is useless
or foolish to ride out in the falling light
alone, wishing, or praying,
for particular good to particular beings
on one small road in a huge world?
The horse bears me along, like grace, 

making me better than what I am,
and what I think or say or see
is whole in these moments, is neither
small nor broken.  For up, out of
the inscrutable earth, have come my body
and the separate body of the mare:
flawed and aching and wronged.  Who then
is better made to say be well, be glad, 

or who to long that we, as one,
might course over the entire valley.
over all valleys, as a bird in a great embrace
of flight, who presses against her breast,
in grief and tenderness,
the whole weeping body of the world?

~ Linda McCarriston 


Things I Know, But Don't

The tree keeps evolving upward toward the inspiriting sky –
stretching, searching, never ceasing to give up.

It wants to know everything that exists surrounding it, 
while allowing air to pass freely through its modest open windows.

. . . . .

The oaks and the pines, and their brethren of the wood, 
have seen so many suns rise and set, so many seasons come and go, 
and so many generations pass into silence, that we may well wonder what
"the story of the trees" would be to us if they had tongues to tell it, 
or we ears fine enough to understand.  

~ Author Unknown

Saying Nothing Yet Gesturing

Clicks at a time
something unique is caught,

y i e l d i n g –

in some regards,
a sense of

 And so it is,
without direction,
the eye moves toward
different perspectives,
born of a moment
of individual attention.

It is a process.

 Today,  tomorrow
and yesterday –
fragmentary pieces
pour out as ink,
while others remain
stuck in the freeze of time.


Flowing Freely

Into the air various letters were flung. Instantly they fell – soft like drops of rain, scattering hither and thither. Drawn to the scene, carefully I look around and begin to play with the possibilities that exist between the letters and I. Individually they disappear and then come again, in a different form. Anxiously my hand begins to scribble the life of their voice, carried by my thinking and lead by a thread of thought. Soon enough something is discovered that the letters had previously neglected to tell. Into my mind various words were flung.

Walking Into The Sunlight

I am
not lost in you,
though your lovely spirit
consciously exists,
intriguing and beautiful –
lost, I am not.

. . . . .

Your hushed mysteriousness
in these privileged moments
is what I draw on – but wait, 
in the silence of this hour
you have secretly broken free…


In Altered Tones

Within this misty silence
a peacefulness is glimpsed.

In altered tones,
a simple image speaks.

I am touched awake,
clinging to its heavy abandon.

Looking around, I witness again,
and again, the hem of the spider,
laced so brilliantly with morning’s dew.

Closing my eyes, I breath deep
the world, as it begins its daily assembly.

Reluctantly I turn, stepping away from the cold, 
yet I see myself still, standing there gathering thoughts.

Then the image is gone – returning, I suppose, 
to the home and everything else it had previously fled.

. . . . .

And yet there is only one great thing
To live and see the great day that dawns
And the light that fills the world.
(old Innu song)

In This Block Of Daylight


Affected Trajectories

It is not the destination that counts
but the journey we take to get there.


One Day Or Maybe One Night

Once I heard a song
and then I had an image.

. . . . .

The two

f  l  o  w   f  r  e  e  l  y

once again.

In what the mind reveals,
a certain movement is noticed
as the lines, the colours 
and the music refine themselves.

. . . . .

Something contemplated,
one day or maybe one night.

Poetical Metaphors


In Hours Like These

My friend took a sand dollar in his hand
and tossed it horizontally across
the open emptiness of the Pacific Ocean.

It skipped ever-so-swiftly across the water, 
tickling the surface, producing a ripple of thought –
willed by a force in the flick of his hand.

And You Are Gathered Into It


Intertwined Processes

Within my frame of thinking
I think a flower.

Immediately I colour it pink –
staying within the lines.


I paint a vase
for the flower thought.

Already Given To Memory


To Be iS To Do

Your work
is going to fill
a large part
of your life, 


the only way
to be
truly satisfied
is to do
what you believe
is great work. 

And the only way
to do great work
is to love
what you do. 

If you haven't found it yet, 
keep looking. 

Don't settle. 

As with all matters of the heart, 
you'll know when you find it. 

~ Steve Jobs 

. . . . .



In Some Out-Of-The-Way Place


So vast, so rich, so everlasting –
the mystery of nature and
its diverse mixture of strategies.

Forever it pendulates
within time's passing –
stimulating and colourful,
it is unlike any other.


It Is Illimitable

I looked tenaciously to poetry




the meticulous order of things.

. . . . .

This is what
I want to know…

To know
something more
of the abandoned house
existing still
at the farthest edge
of an open field,
dotted with stones
and crickets.

To recognize
the principle of a thing –
the paradox of feeling
held in the




of its modest landscape.

. . . . .

It is crucial.

It is everything.

It is an exhaustive effort.

You have no idea
where the words are going.

It is
what is