
It Waits For Me

For what its worth,
I found a penny –
its somber copper shell
safely ensconced
on the wet pavement,
tucked in close
to the green grass,
sitting like a bird
reluctant to fly,
weighted down
by fatigue.

Its quiet charm lures me now.

With a child’s delight
I crouch down,
extend my hand
and pick it up.
After studying it
a little closer,
I press it against me.

For argument’s sake, let’s suppose…

I make a wish, before tossing the penny 
into a nearby water fountain –
and the wish comes true.


Arbitrary Junctures

Oftentimes I'd hear you say…Bless you wherever you are. Anchored to those words and melded to the latent night, I begin to wonder how long it is that you have been gone. This journal entry only amplifies your absence. Recently I thought I saw you in a vision, writing at your table in the abraded light. Addressing the explicit tilt of ideas swarming inside as the evening fell. Steeped in a meditative solitude, you bore witness to fundamental shifts in the dark reaches of your psyche. Enclosed in that world that housed your singular voice, fragments of distraction slowly cohered to a structured whole as you began to write. And that image becomes something I desire, because you are not here. Oddly enough, in this late hour, I feel a revelatory charity that stretches beyond simple happiness. Something that is difficult to express, sustains me. It seduces me still. I glance over at your chair. Its silent form is seriously beautiful. For a spell I watch its long graceful shadow as it grows at length against the candle's flare. At arbitrary junctures the properties of some things bear sweet joys as we lean a little closer into their mysterious authenticity. Longing hovers here in this private life, becoming something I can turn to, something I can use as I wait around for certain circumstances to align themselves.



A Chance Tone Of Colour

Here it is, with some late amendments.
It retains its intensity where silence intersects.

. . . . .

On a pleasant day get out of your own mind.
Bear witness to a shadow in natural light.

Greet the poignant image of an outside friend. 
Strike up a conversation. Listen to learn.

Address its colours in your own way.
Don’t be too obstinate to see things in time.

That Is What The Name Of It Is


So That The Words Might Wake

I see me killing time, 
idling in this sleepy hour.
Even as word spreads
that words do not fatigue.
Lost somewhere in the middle
of it, my original intentions.


In Your Absence

Almost silence.

What am I to do with it?
Is it worth a second look?
As it is, entire night’s
are barely distinguishable.

. . . . .

What am I to do with the quiet urgency of this uncertain hour?

. . . . .

I, in a voice of shyness, could push into it.
The candle’s awkward flame – its colours, throw me off balance.
Its perpetual fire punctuates this progressive silence.
Out of necessity a level of serious-mindedness bluff's itself forth.

. . . . .

Night draws tighter still.
I, in my speechlessness, tremble.

. . . . .

Much later you awake
to everything as you'd left it.

. . . . .

A table laid out with pen and paper.
Chairs, like the streets, sit empty.
Words hang in temporary spaces.

. . . . .

The candles flame ceases
as the day regains its form.
Fostering alternatives, the mind,
with its unexpected movements, 
struggles to liberate the emotions.

. . . . .

The heart exerts itself –
how strange its weather.
Focus shifts to what is said,
as gestured in its poetic pulse.
Solemnly the mind sweats
in an effort to decipher
what it is the heart knows, 
what it is it is trying to tell,
what it feels for sure.

. . . . .

In the end, patient beginnings prove useful.

. . . . .

Venturing out into another hour,
the mind stumbles upon a pair of wings.
Somewhere between arriving and fleeing
certain similarities reassemble themselves,
promising nothing less than what is conveyed –
something born at the right moment,
something differentiating it from the next.
Its sacred silent form, a voiceless thread
that eventually slips gracefully away
with a just momentum, until it breaks
to yet another stop. Airless, it becomes
as precious as a stone whose intrinsic nature
reflects only a part of what breathes beneath
the surface of things deliberately hidden.



Leaving It Now Behind

Always, the lovely morning begins
in silence, somewhere in a common-place
environment, surrounded by stones.

Time passes. 

The mind eases its grasp on life's adversities –
the eyes, absorbed, address the moment, 
accepting their own interpretation of things.

Time passes.

A naked stone is hurled into the vastness of air – 
awaiting translation, it skips several times across the lake's 
surface. It is enough to contemplate as time passes.


While Daylight Lasts

Eyes alive, watching
for what is there.

. . . . .

Overhead the sun is swallowed
by a cloud rambling at will.

. . . . .

On this side of the unblemished landscape,
beyond the stones, nowhere to turn but here.

. . . . .

Eyes alive, watching
for what is there.

Its Sense Of Timing Impeccable


An All-pervading Radiance Abides

Petals fall, yet the rose has no direct appeal
with regard to its relinquishing. Progressively
the bloom of it exquisitely develops. Its stems
are equipped with sharp prickles, yet the eyes 
fondly adore its resplendent tranquility, reveling
in its natural palette of reds, greens and browns. 
The mind strives to compose its own dialectical
theory, while the rose engenders what it is able.


This Morning It Rose

An hour ago the sunlight
cast its glow upon them.

. . . . .

They reside, together, at the edge of a room.

The feel of the room is altered, its sky, wide,
yet no birds sing amid the flowers and branches.

A burgeoning silence stems in this transitory space.