
Reaching New Heights

Its indomitable countenance 
compliments, so beautifully, the day…

Time In Its Telling


On the surface of an eye,
lingering in the light – a shadow
reflected through a window…


It Moves Me So

to look back on the distance I have come

– Nelson Mandela


Under Varying Conditions Of Light

It has merely become.

An Informal Visit

in·for·mal [in-fawr-muh l]



without formality 
or ceremony; 

There Is Nothing More

Standing beside it
in the corner of a room
I watch its eyes watch me…


In That Wonderful State

The object isn't to make art, 
it's to be in that wonderful state 
which makes art inevitable.

– Robert Henri

. . . . .

For a moment I left the world 
it had formerly observed and entered another
eliciting a sense of the unknown.



This Is For You

In your light I learn how to love. 
In your beauty, how to make poems. 

You dance 
inside my chest 
where no-one sees you, 
but sometimes 

I do, 

and that sight 
becomes this art.

– Rumi

. . . . .

and I move with the energy 
of your prayer

and I move in the direction
of your prayer

– Leonard Cohen


Lasting But For A Brief Time

In a lurching move hungry eyes
pull away from the stone,
homing in on the ceiling overspread
with a panoply of quickening clouds –
their airy forms breaking open…



this·ness noun \ˈthisnÉ™̇s\

The quality in a thing of being here and now or such as it is.

The concrete objective reality of a thing.


It Loves To Hide

Its streets I walk.

Listening not to me
but to nature's duende –
nothing can equal it.

Before my eyes
what is
naturally seen
precisely is


penetrating its mystery
infinite aspects of it
cannot be named

but swirling

is a sublime poetry
in everything 
forged from it.

. . . . .

In our sense perceptions, if we are not sure of what we see we change our position while looking, and what is real becomes evident. In the inner life, time takes the place of space. With time we are altered, and, if as we change we keep our gaze directed towards the same thing, in the end illusions are scattered and the real becomes visible. This is on condition that the attention be a looking and not an attachment.

– Simone Weil


Yielding To A Kindled Flame

Rooted To The Landscape

It stood for a long while –
parts of it anchored to the ground…


After A Long Time

Even as
evening casts forth
a thin curve of moon,
inside a wildness endures.
Particles of dust settle
onto a collection of
well-preserved buds…


Instinct Is Enough

In art

instinct is enough.

(quote by Anatole France)

. . . . .

Do what you do.

Be just who you are.

Commit to Love.

Give it all you've got.

Orchestrating A Certain Mood


There Is A Strength There

And I thought
it was that –
that I felt
that I fit well
with my quiet
surroundings –
feeling that
energy emanating
a positive
expression –
and listening
to it
with no one
else around –
thoughts multiplied,
luring me
some form 

. . . . .

He didn't know what the point of the journey was, 
but he did believe we were designed to search for and find something. 
And he wondered out loud if the point wasn't the search 
but the transformation the search creates. ...

[I wondered] 

that we were designed to live 
through something rather than to attain something, 
and the thing we were meant to live through 
was designed to change us. 

The point of a story is the character arc, 
the change.

– Donald Miller