
Far Below The Veritable Calm

A sapphired blue starts to shift
as a restless tangle of thoughts
promptly dislodges in silhouette.

Emotional interchanges surge,
chasing after words unwritten
amid swells of empyrean blue.

The kinetic dance of the sea 
teasingly seduces perception,
igniting a visionary turn of mind.

Furtive strands of pale silver
entwine arbitrary elucidations,
caressing an infinite shore.

. . . . .

…all this while the body lies curled,
embracing the deep torridity of sleep…

. . . . .

A swell of insight saturates the scene
as the moon slides in lulling the tides –
the ocean’s indigo silk quietly settles.

Little enough remains of the dream
as the senses awaken to new dimensions –
crashing, knocking, colliding against the day.

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