
Recognizable Components From His Childhood


A child growing up steps back into a well-known space 
imbued with a playful sense of sound and motion…

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"All aboard!" hollers the conductor, with a hurried look on his face. Departure time had finally arrived. Toot, toooooot blasts the train's whistle – chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo goes the train. Glued to the window of a train bound for Frankfurt, a small child excitedly looks on. The train lets out a couple coughs before expelling an enormous plume of black smoke that floats skyward before mingling with the clouds. As if perhaps the brakes had failed, the train races onward into the day. Rounding a bend, the child listens intently to the high-pitched screech of the train's wheels as they zoom along the tracks. Before long the train pulls into the next station. A handful of passengers eagerly climb aboard, finding comfortable seats to snuggle themselves into. As the hour unfurls, the child stays fixed to the window, intrigued by the ever-changing landscape speedily passing by. Within half an hour, after a couple more stops, the train arrives at its final destination. All of the passengers leave the train. A few of them, including the child and the man remain on the platform in the sweltering sunlight, fascinated by the steady flow of travelers coming and going. Afterwards both child and man make their way up the escalator en route to Frankfurt's bustling city centre.

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A grown up child, a man, steps back into a well-known space
 imbued with a bustling sense of sound and motion…

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